Prof.Yuliang Zhao
Deputy Director-General, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China Email:, Tel:+86-10-8254-5570, or +86-10-8823-3191 Fax: +86-10-6265-6765, or +86-10-8823-6456 Biography Dr. Yuliang Zhao earned his Ph.D. in Chemical Science from the Tokyo Metropolitan University in 1999. He held faculty appointments at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing before becoming a member of The Methodist Hospital Research Institute in 2011. Dr. Zhao also holds adjunct faculty appointments at Peking University (Beijing), the Medical School of Jilin University (Changchun), and Sichuan University (Chengdu). As the the founder and Director of CAS Key Lab for Biomedical Effects of Nanomaterials & Nanosafety, he directs a research program that is developing a new generation of cancer chemotherapeutics using low-toxic nanoparticles. Dr. Zhao has also been a member of nine study sections and review boards in China and Europe. He is the founder and Director of Research Center for Cancer Nanotechnology at Tianjin Cancer Hospital in China. He has served as the Associate Editor and editorial board member of seven scientific research journals since 2006. Research Interests (1) The biomedical functions of manufactured nanomaterials including the cancer nanotechnology: development of low-toxic chemotherapeutics with nanostructured particles themselves or as carriers, and the early diagnosis of cancer cells at a single cell level based on complexed nanosystem/nanovectors; (2) The toxicological effects of nanomaterials including identification of nano-hazards using animal, cellular and molecular models; methodological and metrological development for detecting nanoparticle in biological systems; drafting regulatory frameworks and nano-standards for safety issues on nanotechnology and establishing standard procedures for safety assessment of nano-products for governmental agencies; (3) The surface chemistry of nanoparticles and their novel properties for the purposes of enhancing the biomedical functions or reducing the potential toxicity; (4) The MD theoretical simulation and modeling the dynamic processes of the interplay between nano-systems (like nanotubes) and bio-systems (like bio-membrane or ion channels). Recent Publications 1. Zhao YL, Xing GM, Chai ZF. Nanotoxicology: are carbon nanotubes safe? Nature Nanotechnology 2008 Apr; 3(4): 191-2. 2 .Liang XJ, Meng H, Wang YZ, He HY, Meng J, Lu J, Wang PC, Zhao YL, Gao XY, Sun BY, Chen CY, Xing GM, Shen DW, Gottesman MM, Wu Y, Yin JJ, Jia L. Metallofullerene nanoparticles circumvent tumor resistance to cisplatin by reactivating endocytosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010 Apr 20; 107 (16):7449-54. 3. Li YY, Zhou YL, Xu DX, Zhao YL, Tang ZY, Nie GJ. Chirality of Glutathione Surface Coating Affects the Cytotoxicity of Quantum Dots. Angew Chem Intl Ed. 2011; 50 (26), 5860-64. 4. Zuo TS, Sun ZP, Zhao YL, Jiang XM, Gao XY. The big red shift of photoluminescence of mn dopants in strained cds: a case study of mn-doped mns- cds heteronanostructures. J Am Chem Soc. 2010 May 19; 132 (19):6618-19. 5. Gao XF, Wang L, Ohtsuka Y, Jiang D, Zhao YL, Nagase S, Chen ZF. Oxidation unzipping of stable nanographenes into joint spin-rich fragments. J Am Chem Soc. 2009 Jul 22; 131 (28):9663-69. 6. Gao X Y, Xing GM, Yang YL, Shi XL, Liu R, Chu WG, Jing L, Zhao F, Ye C, Yuan H, Fang XH, Wang C, Zhao YL. Detection of Trace Hg2+ via Induced Circular Dichroism of DNA Wrapped Around Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. J Am Chem Soc. 2008 Jul 23; 130 (29):9190-91. 7. Zhao YL, Chen ZL, Yuan H, Gao XF, Qu L, Chai ZF, Xing GM, Yoshimoto S, Tsutsumi E, Itaya K. Highly selective and simple synthesis of C2m-X-C2n fullerene dimers. J Am Chem Soc. 2004 Sep; 126 (36):11134-35. 8. Wang LM, Liu Y, Li W, Jiang XM, Ji YL, Wu XC, Xu LG, Qiu Y, Zhao K, Wei TT, Li YF, Zhao YL, Chen CY. Selective targeting of gold nanorods at the mitochondria of cancer cells: implications for cancer therapy. Nano Lett. 2011 Feb; 11 (2):772-780. 9. Liu B, Li XY, Li BL, Xu BQ, Zhao YL. Carbon nanotube based artificial water channel protein: membrane perturbation and water transportation. Nano Lett. 2009 Apr; 9 (4):1386-94. 10. Chen CY, Xing GM, Wang JX, Zhao YL, Li B, Tang J, Jia G, Wang TC, Sun J, Xing L, Yuan H, Gao YX, Meng H, Chen Z, Zhao F, Chai ZF, Fang XH. Multi hydroxylated [Gd@C82(OH)22]n nanoparticles: Antineoplastic activity of high efficiency and low toxicity. Nano Lett. 2005 Oct; 5 (10):2050-57.