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Prof.Zhong Zhang Name: Zhong Zhang Education: PhD Academic title: Professor Postal Code: 100190 Mailing Address: No.11, Beiyitiao Zhongguancun, Beijing, China E-mail: Resume: Dr. Zhong Zhang is a full professor and the head of division at the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China. He obtained his Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1990, 1996, and 1999, respectively. He was also a joint PhD student at the German Karlsruhe Research Center and UK Rutherford Appleton Laboratory from 1997 to 1998. His major research interests now are hierarchically structured multi-functional polymer nanocomposites, nanostructured surfaces and coatings, nanomanufacturing and applications. Since 2000, Dr. Zhang started to work at the Institute for Composite Materials, University of Kaiserslautern of Germany, firstly as an Alexander von Humboldt research fellow. In 2001, he obtained a distinguished award from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, which supported him to establish an independent research group at IVW between 2001 and 2006. In 2005, Dr. Zhang was recruited by the newly established NCNST to set up a division of Nanomanufacturing and Applications in 2009. Dr. Zhang serves as editorial board members of 5 leading academic journals in the fields of composites, e.g. Composites Science and Technology, Composites Part A, Journal of Composite Materials, and Tribology International. He currently serves as the Vice President of the Chinese Society of Particuology, and the Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese Society for Composite Materials. Up to now, he published more than 150 refereed papers in SCI journals, which have been cited for more than 3500 times with an H-index=35. He published also a co-edited book (by Springer) and 8 book chapters. He has applied 4 European patents and 20 Chinese patents. His research was funded by the National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar, and many other key projects from governmental funding agents and industries, e.g. the State Grid, COMAC, Bayer, Siemens, Evonik, Merck, and Mitsubishi. Directions:
1. The design, fabrication and investigation of hierarchically structured multi-functional polymer nanocomposites 2. Nanostructured surfaces and coatings 3. Nanocomposite manufacturing and their applications Achievements: 1. Excellence Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011 2. Chinese Academy of Sciences - Bayer AG Young Scientist Award, 2008 3. Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, 2001 4. Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Germany, 2000 5. Excellence Prize of the Presidential Scholarship, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2000 Articles: 1. Liu LQ, Gao Y, Liu Q, Kuang J, Zhou D, Ju ST, Han BH, Zhang Z: High mechanical performance of layered graphene oxide/poly(vinyl alcohol) nanocomposite films. Small 2013; 9: 2466-2472. 2. Tang LC, Zhang H, Sprenger S, Ye L, Zhang Z: Fracture mechanisms of epoxy- based ternary composites filled with rigid-soft particles. Composites Science and Technology 2012; 72: 558-565. 3. Liu LQ, Ma WJ, Zhang Z: Macroscopic carbon nanotube assemblies: preparation, properties and potential applications. Small 2011; 7: 1504-1520. 4. Jia Y, Peng K, Gong XL, Zhang Z: Creep and recovery of polypropylene/ carbon nanotube composites. International Journal of Plasticity 2011; 27: 1239-1251. 5. Gao Y, Liu LQ, Zu SZ, Peng K, Zhou D, Han BH, Zhang Z: The effect of interlayer adhesion on the mechanical behaviors of macroscopic graphene oxide papers. ACS Nano 2011; 5: 2134-41. 6. Gao Y, Liu LQ, Li JZ, Ma WJ, Zhou WY, Xie SS, Zhang Z: Axial compression of hierarchically structured carbon nanotube fiber embedded in epoxy. Advanced Functional Materials 2010; 20: 3797-3803. 7. Ma WJ, Liu LQ, Zhang Z, Yang R, Liu G, Zhang TH, An XF, Yi XS, Ren Y, Niu Z, Li J, Dong H, Zhou W, Ajayan PM, Xie S-S: High-strength composite fibres: Realizing true potential of carbon nanotubes in polymer matrix through continuous reticulate architecture and molecular level coupling. Nano Letters 2009; 9: 2855-2861. 8. Zhang H, Tang LC, Zhang Z, Friedrich K, Sprenger S: Fracture behaviours of in situ silica nanoparticle-filled epoxy at different temperatures. Polymer 2008; 49: 3816-3825. 9. Zhang H, Zhang Z: Impact behaviour of polypropylene filled with multi-walled carbon nano- tubes. European Polymer Journal 2007; 43(8): 3197-3207. 10. Yang JL, Zhang Z, Schlarb AK, Friedrich K: On the characterization of tensile creep resistance of polyamide 66 nanocomposites. Part I: Experimental results and general discussions, Polymer 2006; 47(8): 2794-2804. 11. Yang JL, Zhang Z, Schlarb AK, Friedrich K: On the characterization of tensile creep resistance of polyamide 66 nanocomposites. Part II: Modelling and prediction of long-term performance, Polymer 2006; 47(19): 6745-6758. 12. Zhang H, Zhang Z, Friedrich K, Eger C: Property improvements of in situ epoxy nanocomposites with reduced interparticle distance at high nanosilica content. Acta Materialia 2006; 54(7): 1833-1842. 13. Chang L, Zhang Z, Breidt C, Friedrich K: Tribological properties of epoxy nanocomposites: I. Enhancement of the wear resistance by nano-TiO2 particles. Wear 2005; 258(1-4): 141-148. 14. Zhang Z, Yang JL, Friedrich K: Creep resistant polymeric nanocomposites. Polymer 2004; 45(10): 3481-3485. 15. Zhang Z, Friedrich K: Artificial neural networks applied to polymer composites: a review. Composites Science and Technology 2003; 63(14): 2029-2044. Representative Book: Friedrich K, Fakirov S, Zhang Z (editors): Polymer Composites - from Nano- to Macro- Scale, Springer Polymer Sciences Book, Springer, 2005 (ISBN: 0-387-24176-0).