Short Term Program
Short Term Program NCNST is offering a Visiting Research Student program to postgraduate students who are interested in undertaking a short-term visiting study and research in China. We welcome candidates who are following a postgraduate program at the Master’s or Doctoral level and whose research focuses in the field of nanoscience and technology. NCNSTwill provide supervision and research resources, such as access to library and other facilities, for the visiting students. Visiting students may also participate in the courses and seminars offered at NCNST. We particularly welcome applicants whose research interests lie in nanoscience and technology. The visiting program will provide an excellent opportunity for the students to undertake a unique education and research experience in our center. Students accepted to the program will be registered as Visiting Students at UCAS (University of Chinese Acedemy of science) and will enjoy access to a range of facilities as a formal member of the university. No degree or qualification will be conferred upon completion of the visiting study, but NCNST will provide a record of achievement for students.