Alumni News

Haftu Gebrekiros Alemayehu

 My Life Experience and Educational Journey at UCAS: Haftu

My name is Haftu Gebrekiros Alemayehu, and I was born in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. After completing my school education, I obtained a B.Sc. degree in applied chemistry from Arba Minch University in 2008. Following that, I started my career at Arba Minch University as a staff member, beginning as a graduate assistant I. In 2011, I earned an M.Sc. degree in Physical Chemistry from Arba Minch University. For the next four years, I worked as a lecturer and in 2016, I was promoted to assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry, Arba Minch University. During this time, I not only taught both graduate and undergraduate students, but also conducted research. Additionally, I held several key positions such as chairperson of the organizing committee for the National Symposium on "Sciences for Sustainable Development," founder and editorial manager of Omo International Journal of Science, and Research Head of the College of Natural Sciences. I am married and have two sons named Michael and Shalom.

Haftu Gebrekiros Alemayehu


Following the completion of my master's degree, my goal was to pursue a Ph.D. in material science, nanoscience, and related fields at a recognized international university. In 2019, I was granted a scholarship and joined the Graduate School of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) at the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology as a Ph.D. student. I was fortunate to work under the guidance of Prof. Zhiyong Tang and Prof. Lianshan Li.

Upon arriving in China, my journey began at the Yanqihu campus of UCAS, which boasts a picturesque environment. Despite my initial concerns, I was pleasantly surprised by the high level of safety and hospitality in the country. The warmth exhibited by my fellow students and their willingness to help me adapt to my new surroundings reflected the culture of respect and hospitality that defines China.

At the Yanqihu campus, I had the opportunity to interact with students from diverse backgrounds, transforming UCAS into a melting pot of cultural exchange. UCAS, known for its distinguished reputation worldwide, provided an exceptionally conducive atmosphere for learning, teaching, and research.

Once I completed my coursework, I embarked on my research at the National Center for Nanoscience under the guidance of Prof. Zhiyong Tang and Prof. Lianshan Li. They nurtured me in the research culture and the support from my labmates was exceptional. The efficiency in obtaining necessary chemicals and materials significantly enhanced the quality and progress of my research.

I was particularly impressed by the Chinese practice of group meetings, and the commitment displayed by my mentors, who never missed a meeting in three years, greatly influenced me. Additionally, the care provided by the management office for international students at the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology made me feel like I had a supportive family, which contributed to a positive experience.

Thanks to Tang's lab, the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, and UCAS, I acquired new skills, published research articles, and received awards. I also actively engaged in various university events, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak, I organized sports activities for international students and volunteered for nucleic acid tests during lockdowns.

My time in China also allowed me to explore tourist destinations in Beijing, and yet, I still have a strong desire to visit more cities if given the opportunity to stay longer. Words cannot adequately convey my gratitude to China and its people - it truly feels like a home away from home. The sense of security in Beijing and the respect shown to individuals from other countries continue to deepen my love and appreciation for the nation and its people.







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